August 12, 2005 02:00 | Culture / Technology

some pig

OMG... well.. videocasting is here and the predictable severely rapid decline of "culture" * may begin.

You should check out the Internet TV channel "some pig".
If you don't have DTV, you can get it here:
And then subscribe to this channel:

So yeah, click on "some pig" and then look for "Rezelscheft"... and marvel at what technology has done for us.

"some pig" videos are directly available here. Do check out Magnifitrick. It is genius.

* I am currently reading "Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy" by Dave Hickey ("Winner of the 'Genius' Award!", "Macarthur Fellow 2001-2005"!), and so far it is a fun ride with incredibly well written insights and is as terribly entertaining as it is smart, in an off-the-cuff way, apparently out of the norm for Mr. Genius. My favorite line so far is "(Define culture!)", which he casts as a sideways shouted taunt at his fellow academics at a University in Las Vegas where he seem to have holed up. I almost yelped an "amen!" out loud...
In any case, Hickey seems to be all up for participatory culture so I would love to hear what he thinks of this. I wonder if I can get my mitts on him...