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January 18, 2003

It's been done!

Posted by bopuc at January 18, 2003 11:58 AM



Spotted this in my referrer log today. Thanks for the interest!
Right now, it's a little hard for me to set up an install of PhoneBlogger for others, but I have two people in queue.
The good news for people using blog tools that support the metaWeblog API, though, is that as soon as support for the proposed newMediaObject method ( is added for their tool of choice, it should be fairly easy for me to provide a free hosted version for 50 or so bloggers without worrying about bandwidth consumption on my account. Not only can the audio file more easily be transported to the website for their blog, but the blog tool will also now be aware of and more able to manage the file, as opposed to it just looking like the target of an external link. Let me know if you are ever interested in trying it out.

Posted by: Robert Stewart at January 19, 2003 05:42 PM