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December 04, 2002

Well put...

Posted by bopuc at December 4, 2002 11:12 AM

A comment to a blog posting about MBTI

Thinking, but because I'm raised by a psychologist who emphasised the importance of being aware of other people's feelings I as a very rational thinking child added "emotions" as a datatype to be considered in my thought processes.

So while I occasionally make decisions which look as if it is an emotionally based one it generally is a result of a "logical" process.

Don't like plans, generally. Prefer goals, knowing which direction you're taking. The rest tends to come from that.

I wasn't raised by a psychologist, but rather someone who could have used one... however this is right on the nose for me too.


Hey B.
"Don't like plans, generally. Prefer goals, knowing which direction you're taking. The rest tends to come from that."
The "rest" that you are talking about is "plans." Goals and plans are symbiotically intertwined. Doesn't matter if you prefer one over the other, for the latter will not be realised without the first. I am not really seeing how the writer could preface that with "it is generally a result of a 'logical' process" for it is not the most logical statement.

Posted by: tincancompany at December 4, 2002 12:09 PM