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June 29, 2003

Sunday in the sun.

Posted by bopuc at June 29, 2003 12:57 AM

Woke up at 8:30 in Jim & Yuka's living room. Jim and Toshiro woke up at the same time, oddly enough. Checking email, listening to music, breakfast of bagels (!)...

At 11:20 we headed out on our day trip to the Kamakura. Once there, we hooked up with friends of Yuka's: Christophe & Haneka. Torisho took us to a great restaurant where we had a huge lunch of cold soba, tempura, sashimi, miso, some egg/fishbroth stuff (?) and various sundries. This is living...

We began by visiting Tsuru-ga-oka Hachiman-gu, The Minamoto Shrine. It is dedicated to emperor Ojin, whom shogun Minamoto No Yoritomo, who had it built in the 12th century, claimed descent from. Had I known what I just wrote when I visited, I'd have been more alert. It was beautiful but I had no idea... Note: Read up before heading out!

Next we found ourselves just a short ways back down ib Hase, at the Daibutsu, which Jim insisted meant "large ass". Daibutsu is the Great Buddha. 37 foot high bronze Amida Buddha, cast in 1292. Beautiful! Too bad there were tourists and junk shops everywhere.

As evening approached we headed for Enoshima Island, but as it got dark, we settled for some beer-u and food on the beach of Sagami Bay. This is where Tokyo-ites come to the beach. Dirty grey sand, with a surf break interesting enough to keep surfers. Walking through the town I definitely felt the energy I so miss of surf towns and beach bums. I could live here...

The train ride back slowly broke up our little group, and we each took turns falling asleep.

Arriving at Toshiro's parent's house, I was greeted with broad smiles, slippers, a shower, two yummy slices of watermelon and light conversation until we all headed off to sleep. Tomorrow, I finally go to Kyoto.
