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"Orkut versus"

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January 25, 2004

Orkut versus

Posted by bopuc at January 25, 2004 08:50 PM

Clay Johnson over at DFA just sent me these Alexa "traffic comparisons":

Truly amazing. In the space of 3-4 days, Orkut went from off the radar (ranked greater than 100,000 most visited site) to number 772!!!
(At the moment, Friendster is 218, Tribe is 4,493 and LinkedIn, off the radar, is 125,816.)
(Also at the moment, Orkut is down for "improvements"...)


According to Alexa's site, "the Alexa Toolbar turns itself off on secure pages (https:). Sites with more secure page views will be under-represented in the Alexa traffic data."

That likely explains Alexa's extremely low numbers for LinkedIn, which is served entirely over https.

Posted by: chris at January 30, 2004 01:04 PM

Makes sense. Thx.

Posted by: Boris Anthony at January 30, 2004 01:20 PM