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"Quick rant"

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January 26, 2005

Quick rant

Posted by bopuc at January 26, 2005 01:25 AM

If I read one more weblog entry talking about tags and/or folksonomies, I'll wretch (cow tongue sashimi, too much red wine and a bumpy cab ride through Tokyo not required).

If your RSS/Atom feed doesn't contain full entry text, I am ditching you from my subscription list. Sorry. If you want to know how to fix this, contact me, I'll be more than happy to advise. Toll free.

I literally feel like both my hands have been chopped off. This is not a euphemism. I LITERALLY feel phantom limb pain. It is NOT amusing. At the same time my mouth is atrophying. Help me, Kevin.

Fido better upgrade my P900, which seems to have gotten fried in the X-ray machine at Dorval Airport. They better upgrade it to a P910 as soon as I get to Vancouver.

That didn't help. I'm gonna go plant my ass in a café in ... gees I dunno... I'm sick of Omotesando... :p



> If your RSS/Atom feed doesn't contain full entry text, I am ditching you from my subscription list.

sayonara. :(

Posted by: Patrick at January 26, 2005 02:15 AM

erm... does mine?

ooooh! this preview thingy is very cool...

Posted by: Gen Kanai at January 26, 2005 02:58 AM

I forgot that this is still a sticking point for some people... Patrick, do you refuse to do it or you just didn't get around to it?
Gen, nope yours doesn't... ;)

There's a bunch of reasons why one should have full entry text in one's feeds... but I'm not gonna start preaching...

Sorry everyone for that rant... I think the fluorescent lights got to me today. Hehe.

Posted by: Boris Anthony at January 26, 2005 03:54 AM

Boris, I'd appreciate a tutorial on how to structure feeds, actually. I also need to incorporate favicons into a few things I'm building...

Posted by: aj at January 26, 2005 10:17 AM

I just refuse to do it for bandwidth reasons. I think it's a big waste. :)

Boris' 20K feed * 4 times an hour (reasonable, often default setting) * 24h * 30 days = 56+MB per user per month, and that's for a user who doesn't even come to your site.

Also I think it's easy enough to double-click a headline that interests you. Personally I like reading articles by going to the Web site, so if I'm given a choice between full text or short excerpt RSS, I pick the short one.

Just my opinion of course. :)

Posted by: Patrick at January 26, 2005 08:36 PM

Btw, I think there are some good reasons for full text (like reading offline, or on non-PC devices), but the reason I don't offer it is that I don't want people to use it in their regularly-refreshing reader.

Posted by: Patrick at January 26, 2005 08:42 PM

"Wasted bandwidth"... Like it's a non-renewable resource?
"user that doesn't come to my site"... the site/protocol is meaningless, as long as readers have access to it's content...
I have a 500Gig/month limit which I am nowhere near reaching... do you pay yours by the kilobyte? You live in Japan dude! For $50 a month you get 100Mbit optical fiber to the home with no transfer limit. Where's "wasted bandwidth"? ;)

Clicking through is not an option most days (except maybe lazy weekends). I have over 500 feeds to track.

Also, most of the newsreaders out there respect the HTTP 1.1 304 error code: "Not Modified" ... by answering the request with a bandwidth busting reply containing merely the last modified date.


Perhaps I was a bit hasty with my rant though. Perhaps I'll just put all the "Excerpters" in a separate folder, call it "Sunday reading"... ;)

Posted by: Boris Anthony at January 26, 2005 09:30 PM

< "Wasted bandwidth"... Like it's a non-renewable resource?

In the case of my hosting (not my connection) it's not unlimited, so you could say that. :)
These last months I'm hitting 2-3GB and I'm not yet too sure of the cause. I suspect a few stupid image hot-linkers, so I blocked hot-linking a few days ago.

< Also, most of the newsreaders out there respect the HTTP 1.1 304 error code: "Not Modified" ...

Very right, I hadn't thought of that!
I'll think of making a full text feed then. :)

Posted by: Patrick at January 26, 2005 11:11 PM

shit, i've got 2 posts on "folksonomies," but one was in reference to a specific prob I'm having, and the other a link to borges, who always says things in such an ingenious way, that I think I should be given a bye.

Posted by: mackinaw at January 28, 2005 07:26 PM