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"I find your lack of tact disturbing"

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May 29, 2005

I find your lack of tact disturbing

Posted by bopuc at May 29, 2005 02:07 PM


(I changed the title... temper temper, Boris.)

  1. I didn't pay for this ticket, a friend did. So I saw it for free. ;)
  2. I didn't "take a stand in public". I gleefully showed off something I found very very funny. You had to come and piss on it and make a ruckus. Fuck you.
  3. Free speech indeed. You are fully taking advantage of it over at your weblog. Just because I no longer want your prattle polluting my comments stream, doesn't mean I am keeping you from talking freely wherever else you may want to. It's bad enough I have to pick up on your noise in my various ego-surfing tools and be bothered, on this beautiful sunday morning, to go dig in my trash bin, photograph and upload "proof" so that you can somehow feel like your arguments have any kind of worth.
  4. This is my last response on this topic.

A small aside: in "the real world", when out in public, say at a party, and someone says something that rubs you the wrong way or you just don't like them, or you cannot find any affinity towards them or whatever, you have recourse: you can avoid them, you can confront them, you can stick your fingers in your ears... I generally try to "be nice or leave". Take a hint.

And in the end: the movie is STILL shit, mildly fun, but shit.
