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February 13, 2007

White Day

Posted by bopuc at February 13, 2007 10:06 PM


White Day is a festival that was created by a concentrated marketing effort in Japan. White Day is celebrated in Japan and Korea on March 14, one month after Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, women give gifts to men; on White Day, men who received chocolate on Valentine's Day return the favour and give gifts to women. This holiday is starting to gain popularity in Hong Kong, where Japanese influence is strong.

First off, out here, on Valentine's Day, it's the women who give the men gifts, etc.

Second, any woman I love will know I love her every day, and not need a commercially sanctioned day for me to give her flowers or chocolates so that a whole caste of spoiled brats can live off of trust funds.

Third, sadly it seems that most people rather just get the flowers and chocolates than really be loved.

The line between freedom and captivity in love is very very thin. One may be able to see it but still waver back and forth over it wildly. Stabilize man, dammit.


Not really seeing the relationship between giving a woman of box of chocolates on Valentine's Day and caste of spoiled brats on trust funds. You lost me there.

There is no line in love - love is everything - including both freedom and captivity.

Happy Valentine's Day.

(Hee hee).

Posted by: caroline at February 14, 2007 04:04 PM

Okay then. So here's the next question: would you give a woman who gave you chocolates on japanese/korean valentine's day, chocolates (or anything else for that matter) on White day? Or even better would you ever give a woman anything? (Sorry I couldn't resist, but this is part of a mini-survey of mine on the topic of v-day and celebrations of love in general.)

Posted by: alice b. at February 15, 2007 07:27 AM

Alice, I think I answered that in IM the other day. ;)

Posted by: Boris at February 15, 2007 11:06 AM

i'm wondering why do they call it 'white day'?

Posted by: charlies at March 3, 2007 09:00 PM

charlies: white chocolate. Check wikipedia for white day.

Posted by: カール at March 4, 2007 08:28 PM