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"L'habit ne fait pas le moine"

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March 18, 2007

L'habit ne fait pas le moine

Posted by bopuc at March 18, 2007 01:43 PM

It's not the clothes, it's how you wear them.

Style is: adapting to the context.
Fashion is: making that adaptation.

As every river has a source and ends in an estuary, every quality individual manifestation of style (natural selection?) follows the flow of growing adoption, becoming a trend, and finally being incorporated into the prevailing environment / context.

The individual constantly adapts and seeks to maintain his individuality. In this climate of ever more focused observation of this phenomenon, the individual becomes marked as the trendsetter.

The dance is fun to watch.

Oh and it's not about clothes at all. That's the point.
You are either actively engaged with the culture or you are passively engulfed by it. Either is fine, as long as you are aware of your choice. :)

À propos, 2ManyDJ's - Radio SoulWax - Tomorrow's World (2002)
