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January 30, 2006

MailTags + Apple Mail + iCal

Posted by bopuc at January 30, 2006 11:16 PM

Mailtags iCal

What you are looking at is a dream come true. It is not released yet but version 1.2 of Scott's "MailTags", whose Mail tagging feature set alone was worth a donation now ties Apple Mail to iCal as well. Back and forth. Real time. Tagable, Searchable, Smart Mailbox-able.

In his own words:

How it works is it ties the calendar to the project -- creating a new calendar if need be (if project is none, uses "MailTags" as calendar)

If you update the information in MailTags, it will update in iCal -- you can change title, notes, duedate, calendar etc and item will update in ical
-- and vice versa -- change title of todo, complete status, etc in ical and revisit related message in mail and the data will reflect change (sorta right now -- I have to improve that part a little) --

it will add a link to the message in the url part of the todo so if the right mouse the url and select go to location-- it brings up the message in mail (even if you move the original message to a different mailbox) .

You should also be able create smart mailboxes based on presence of todo/ and todo complete state.

So integration is more than just making a todo and forgetting about it (like most applescripts)

Another awesome feature is conversation filtering, where typing a search string reveals the usual options slice and when you select "Conversation" it shows you only matches where the "To:" and "From:" (and I believe "CC:") contain matches. Sort of like Google Mail.

MailTags was created to be used with Scott's other Mail plugin: Mail Act-On, which allows you to map keyboard strokes to Mail Rules. Combining these two, you can have a Rule which tags a message as "To Reply", and then have a Smart Mailbox that displays all "To Reply" tagged emails, etc etc etc...

You might remark also how similar the MaitTags panel looks to ecto's sidepanel. This is indicative. ;)

Now all we need is for the Finder to be re-invented as the "Binder" and we'll be just slightly better equipped to face the data deluge...

Had another email exchange with Scott and we may yet see some very awesome Finder and Spotlight integration.
*Click Project name* -> Reveal a Folder you Aliased to that Project OR anything tagged with said Project label, system wide... Drooling.


See, this is how CRM for the Mac should work. Very exciting, awesome work! Love these two Mail add-ons. Thanks for all your hard work!

Posted by: Allan White at February 1, 2006 01:45 PM

Ooh, ooh, any idea when we of the proletariat get to play with this?

Posted by: Danny Silverman at February 26, 2006 12:08 PM

Hey Danny,
Scott says he's hoping to release the 1.2 public beta this week. :)

Posted by: Boris Anthony at February 26, 2006 05:16 PM

How does that compare with, say, Daylite? Seems to have similar integration capabilities, but going as far.

Any comment?

Posted by: François La Roche at December 5, 2006 05:33 PM

M La Roche:
Yes here's my comment:
1- One User x $189.00
2- no mention of use of open standards & technologies, thus we can assume 100% proprietary "solution" (and I am being polite)
3- seems totally targeted at business drone types, i.e. not me or sentient and creative human beings in general. ;)

Sell sell sell!

Désolé. To be fair: feature-wise, it looks *great*. :)

Posted by: Boris at December 5, 2006 05:53 PM

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I don't often write about from | Michael Boyle's weblog
new software, but Scott Morrison has just released MailTags 1.2, which adds a whole bunch of useful features to both Apple Mail and iCal. Tim Gaden (of Hawk Wings) and Boris have more information.Intuitively and having played around with it a bit I can... [Read More]

Tracked on March 9, 2006 10:02 AM