October 5, 2003 21:59 | Travel

Harvard grind


Being at Harvard Law School on a Sunday is odd. I walked around a little tiny bit of this campus which is in many ways one of the epicenters of western life. The laws and ways of much of our world are the products of people who've passed through here.

Only skaters will note the evidence of cultural subversion in the above image: that slab of granite has been soaped, waxed up for grinding.


hmmm the laws of USA, not the law of the world.

Karl, first of all I meant not only laws. Being here I get a very real sense of the (unfortunate) extensive weight this place has on the cultural reality we communally live in, you included.

Also, many many foreign nationals study here my friend, and bring back at least a little bit of what they aquire here and pollinate the intellectual world they return to.

Either way, it was a very loose statement, one not needing a heavy anti-US bludgeoning. ;)

Salut Bopuc = Enchantee de faire votre connaissance a Harvard. J'ai une question pour vous. Envoyez-moi un email svp. -- H