July 23, 2004 03:02 | URLs

No... frikkin.. way...

WilliamShatner.com :: The Official Shatner Website - Bill's Space

That's right. The Shat has a weblog folks. Comments and all...


Two things.

First, is he really know as "The Shat"? Please tell me that's a Boris construct and not in common usage.

Second, do we *really* need his picture on every frickin' post?

Sweet Jesus!

Hrmm... Now that you mention it... can't remember where I got that... It is kinda bad isn't it?

But this, this is great:

He's had it for a while; he set it up when Wil Wheaton's blog was topping the charts.

Will his blog boldly go where no blog has gone before?

Do not let the tractor beam get you! Pull up, pull up!

P.S. His ego seems to have survived considering he uses an image of when he was in his 20's on the front page.

Do not let the tractor beam get you! Pull up, pull up!

"Scotty, we need more power!!!"

P.S. His ego seems to have survived considering he uses an image of when he was in his 20's on the front page.

Hmmmmm... reminds me of someone else who uses a younger pic of themselves on their homepage... ;)