September 16, 2004 17:05 | WebBlogging

May I ask you all for a small favor?

So, I have NO idea how many people actually read this weblog thing of mine. My stats are wonky and imprecise, and aside from a handful of regulars, I get very little feedback. I would love to know who's out there watching me!

Please, leave a quick a comment on this post. A "hi!" with your name would suffice. Feel free to make any comments of course as well... about the site, my insanity, whatever...

If you want to remain anonymous, that's cool too. But a pseudonymed "yo!" would be cool too.

Or email me. There's a link at the bottom.

Either which way, I'd REALLY appreciate a shout! I feel so alone sometimes you know... ;)



Hi! Bloglines says there are 24 of us reading your weblog from there (, but 14 of them are too shy to own up to it.

Wow - I drove up your reader stats by 50%!

You -are- alone, we're just figments of your sick twisted imagination. That's why your site never remembers me even though I check the box.

I never visit this site...

andre: hah! first post!
Carey: Hi! Hadn't thought of checking that. Thanks!
Jim: SO funny. ;)
Dav: Yes indeed I had a suspicion... and the box doesn't remember me either! Worst thing is I know how to fix it and well.. bof... ;)
Adriaan: Ditto. ;)

Thanks gang. :)

Comments form fixed! ;)

I'm posting to hopefully have my cookie baked once for all. :)

Patrick: I thought of you as I fixed it... ;)

Hi. :)




it's standard by now to read your weblog while i have my morning coffee or when there is a lull in my work.

Alors voil√†! Premier commentaire en fran√ßais! Bin quoi? Montréal est multilingue, non? ;-)

Je te lis régulièrement. C'est toujours divertissant / intéressant et j'avoue aimer le fait que nous sommes ¬´voisins¬ª. √áa me rappelle que le Mile-End ne m'appartient pas √† moi tout seul...


I am a neighbour too.

Where am I? I thought this was Britney Spears' weblog.

Not daily, but I graze the local blogs a couple of times weekly.

Someone just told me there was a german guy with a russian name who was posting in Montreal, and like I'm a French guy with a german name coming soon to Montreal (Sept 23). I thought that would be cool to let a post here.

i am lurking.

Hi Boris,

thanks for the pics of Boris's wedding I was very sick that weekend (fever 192, delirium etc...) and missed it, but was happy to see the pics.

Hi Boris,

can you erase that last post, it make me look like I shoot crank at work or something. I meant, of course, Anders' wedding, and fever 102. Apparently I was right on with the delirium though.

erase that last one as well because I cannot spell either. How about you erase them all and forget that I posted? I just wanted to make you happy, arg... I will be happy to get off work go home and pratice my typing and spelling.

Dude, those are classic. They are staying right where they are... :D

Thanks all !!



I keep coming back, hoping to see more of that dashing white jacket of yours.

Here! I don't read on weekends much, so I missed this post earlier.

En met deze een commentaar in het Nederlands.


SASHIIIMMMIIIII and hornygiri soon!!!