November 4, 2004 19:57 | Montreal / WebBlogging

Montreal Metroblog

I want ten Montreal-area webloggers to join me in making up our local Metroblog.

English and french posts that somehow have something to do with Montreal, and share whatever bits of this great city. :)

Here are some of the other cities in the Metroblog network, to give you an idea:

Email me or comment here if you are interested! No contracts, no pressure! All fun. ;)


Je suis intéressé √† participer pour discuter des activités touchant √† l'informatique libre et certains sujets connexes comme le droit d'auteur - tant que √ßa concerne Montréal, bien entendu.

I live in Laval. Eligible? ;)

2 down.

I could post some photo. Je peux envoyer des photos. Si oui, quel format?
Au plaisir.

Bernard, c'est un système MovableType comme ton blogue. Par format tu veux dire taille?

Je suis un étudiant intéressé. Count me in.

Me! Pick me! Umm, have you seen the Montreal City weblog? I guess this metroblog would be more "from the streets"?

Cool, I'll be in touch.

Yeah, Kate's Montreal City Weblog. A great local information resource! I think metroblogging has a somewhat different angle... Check out the above linked other metroblogs to get a feel...


Would you like some Visual Arts stuff?

I'm a friend of Jason's, so I pretty much have to say yes. :D

I actually bugged him about setting up a Montreal metroblog a couple of months ago, but he said he was waiting for someone to do, well, exactly what you're doing. :D

Mon blog est d'abord un blog de poésie et de photo. Mais Montréal est au centre de mon inspiration. Je serais très intéressée √† participer. On fait comment?

Je rajoute √† cela que je suis assez au courant de la scène culturelle montréalaise francophone... (mais pas uniquement). Je vois beaucoup de spectacles et de pièces de thé√¢tre...

Allo Catherine!
Je vous mets sur la liste et je vous enverrai un courriel sous peu. :)

Hey Boris, I know this is a different project but you should talk to's Patrick about this. There's a Yulzine project in the works. The two projects might not compete but it might be smart to join efforts in some way.

Thanks for the thought Martine, there's room for both though, no conflict there ;)

Boris, do I need to "re-register" here or am I in already?