December 24, 2004 16:09 | Travel

Kon'nichi wa!

1 AC 111V 12JAN Montreal/Vancouver   	0800  1031
2 AC   3V 12JAN 3 Vancouver/Narita  	1340  1655
3 AC   4V 09FEB Narita/Vancouver  	1900  1100
4 AC 194V 23FEB Vancouver/Montreal  	1100  1844

Nice!! Looking forward to see you. :)
Glad for you you're not going through the US. :)

(By the way: √ó Konishiwa ‚Üí ‚óã Kon'nichi wa)

Merci Patrick! Looking forward to seeing some shows again! ;)
Also want to talk to you about something that may interest you...
re: Kon'nichi wa ... funny... I know that, but for some reason I still write it wrong... ack! I will leave it as is this time, but from now on... ;)

That or you were incorrectly referring to Konishiki...

4- John Poisson

really glad you're coming to SF, man. oh...hang on...

So you'll be in YVR during Northern Voice?

Yes but not sure I will attend. We'll see. :)