July 12, 2005 00:28 | Bits / WebBlogging

Global Voices

So, we launched our redesign of Global Voices this evening. We absolutely had to "let 'er rip" today for various reasons, and as such we've allowed a few loose ends which I need to nail down over the coming days.

I've had tremendous fun building this site. A lot of coding, and a lot of learning, and a lot of good interaction with Rebecca and Ethan. Good stuff all around and I look forward to continuing on the site.

Which I'm having to get back to right now in fact...

(Doh, Gen, in the rush to get it out, I forgot to take screenshots of the old version!)


Good job! Man, those Global Roundup boxes look good!

Thanks Patrick. :)
Dang, I'm seeing all kinds of little things that bug me in the design tho... things I can still do, too... :)

Just checked out the site - at first all i saw was a blank page then realized i had to scroll right then finally it showed up. just thought you might like to know.
otherwise, looking good except for that green box - the colour is a little flourescent

Silly me... I forgot to check the site with IE 5.0 on Mac OS 9 ... ...
Thnx though. I will go check that quickly!


Does it validate?!!?!?


Merci Karl. :)

Very nice redesign!

Take Screenshots!!!

hehehehehehee. ;)
I've got a copy of the old templates... mouahahaha! ;)