July 29, 2005 00:51 | WebBlogging

Letting go, moving on

Slowly but surely this "weblog" will be completely taken apart and rebuilt.
I just unhooked the combined feed functionality. No more photolog and links in the main feed. I'm undecided as to whether those will be turned on at all, reason being for the photolog I get more mileage on Flickr. I'll still cross post, but that's just for my own archiving. Links is dead. I may finally hook up some del.icio.us affair. Blogroll... give me a break. ;)

So yeah, this was step one. I'm too busy to do much more right now so I will wait for MT3.2 to go final and then I will start fresh. Like, totally fresh, yo. Yeah.


Yeah I guess I should elaborate on the title.
The impetus originally for stuffing essentially what are 3 weblogs worth of content into one feed was the misguided desire from those heady "look at me look at me" days to "share everything!"

Utter prattle. So I am letting go of this system built for that purpose. The same holds for the content in question as well. It's all too much, too busy. It has made me not want to use it, and THAT is counter to the point entirely. So.