October 26, 2005 16:19 | Confession

Short notice

Ok ok. So yeah it's my birthday. 31.
This is official notification to all of you, that I will be at Laïka (4040 St-Laurent) from 7pm onwards.

Do drop by if you are so inclined. They serve foods, café and drinks of all kinds. ;)


*really* short notice. You're lucky that I don't have many friends. or unlucky. depends in how you look at it.


I am teh Bopuc. I do n0ot make long term plans. :p

Happy birthday, you old wanker!

Bonne fête man! Je dropperais-by si je pourrais. :)

well, well more coincidences. happy belated bday.

31... nice. Bonne fete. Wish I was there ;)

pre-plan this old man ! hope you had fun. ;-)

happy belated bday indeed.
happy thoughts and warm sunshine from da westcoast

Thnx everyone. :)

10- Raynald DUBOST

La date est un peu dépassée,
mais si nous sommes encore dans la "vraie vie" ; )
reçois mes meilleurs voeux d'annniversaire.