February 10, 2006 04:08 | WebBlogging

Mimi's site

Mimi Ito's Weblog

Whew! I just launched Mimi Ito's new website. I actually launched it earlier this evening while running back and forth to the laundromat, and after having dinner with Steven and attending a vernissage quickly, I spent the rest of the night tweaking little details and fixing some HTTP redirects and such stuff.

There are a few little navigation issues yet to work out, and a whole phase two addition to get ready for (hello Bento Blog!)

This site was so much fun to design and fiddle with. It's the first time in a while I really got to explore my design style. Despite all the really great work I'm going to be doing with Berkman and GlobalVoices, those projects don't allow me to go all design-cra-zee...

Ahem. Thanks Mimi for the opportunity! :D

I have a feeling you-know-who's gonna come knocking soon... ;)


Very nice. Love the proportions and the very faint separation between the columns. Might just be me but the "Search" box feels more like a header than a search box, even after hovering.

Thanks guys! :)
Patrick, notice how the line tapers off? :)