April 18, 2006 08:28 | Travel

Hey New York Fries! Up yours!

New York Fries, which offers poutine on it's menu, has the incredible balls and audacity to claim:

"Invented in Quebec and perfected by New York Fries. A delicious marriage of New York Fries, fresh cheese curds and our signature gravy."

Excuse me? What?!? PERFECTED? Mon oeuil osti d'ciboire de tabarnac, calisse!

I HATE marketing SO much. ;)

I miss poutine. :p


ok, next time i'm in MTL, let's go for some *real* poutine. y'know, if you're not in Japan or something.

New Yorkers are just bitter that we've stolen the Bagel and Smoked Meat crowns from them.

Stolen schmolen! Both of those come from Montreal too!!
Smoked Meat ("pastrami")
Montreal style bagel (new york style bagel)

Nobody does it like we do, my friend. Nobody.

The irony, of course, is that New York Fries has no outlets in New York at all (or even, for that matter, anywhere in the US at all...).

no way!!! aaaaaaahahahahahaa funny :)
even more insulting then! to both of us!
thanks Paul :)

Boris, today you are my best friend.

"perfected by New York Fries" - cough, cough. I can only imagine what their definition of "perfected" is. Oh yeah, it means taking a perfectly good meal and converting it into a monstrous inedible tasteless version of itself. Much like the dumplings I had at a "famous" dumpling house in Chinatown in NYC. Just had a revelation, food in NYC is what makes me miss Montreal and want to come back home.

"Perfected". - geez. That's the kind of insult that makes me want to open up a Quebecois poutine stand on the sidewalk in front of their restaurant and give away steaming hot poutine for free.

Worse, in Japan there's a burger chain called Becker's that serves poutine (not as good as back home of course, but still notable), and their menu used to said that "poutine came from New York"!! I guess some Canadians complained, as it has been corrected a while ago.

All this poutine talk must have given me olfactive hallucinations, as I can now smell poutine in my office! Non-sense.

* Oldest Saint Patrick in North-America, Montreal too.

* At least there is something Québec has not created and had even forgotten the recipe crossing the ocean… is Apple Cider.

Oh better resource for the Cidre


all the poutine you'll ever want.
enjoy ; )

How ever good/bad their fries taste like it is natural that New York Fries advertise their product to make it sound like it's great.
BTW for all of u who think new york fries is New York Franchise it's actually a Canadian Fastfood restaurant the reason it's named New York Fries is some because some canadian purchased new York fries off a little fries stand in new york. The guy liked it and purchased the business from the stand owner and thus the name new york fries.