October 1, 2006 03:17 | Culture

Dance with me

This makes me love humanity.

(New album from Nouvelle Vague. Yay! Music video is a scene from Goodard movie "Bande à part")
Merci Karl!


Did you go to the show they did at Club Soda recently? It was amazing.

I did not. I bet it was. :)

c'est sublime! i have listened & watched this at least 20 times today! I am driving the teenagers in the house nuts!

Most excellent :)

"let's dance, little stranger, show me secret sins..."
"won't you dance with me, in my little world of fantasy..."

"Burning like an angel who has heaven in reprieve"
"Burning like a voodoo man with devils on his sleve"

"won't you dance with me, in my world of fantasy"

7- カ−ル

Dansez sur moi dansez sur moi
Le soir de vos fiançailles
Dansez dessus mes vers luisants
Comme un parquet de Versailles
Embrassez-vous, enlacez-vous
Ma voix vous montre la voie
La Voie lactée, la voie clarté
Où les pas ne pèsent pas
Dansez sur moi
Dansez sur moi
Dansez sur moi

Humanity. I agree. I can't get enough of this video. It's just beautiful.