Yahoo! Pipes is like a web-based Max/MSP visual multimedia sampler/remixer/filter for web content.
It's a beast. It slices, it dices, it joins and concatenates... it'll even machine translate, extract geo:data, filter by whatever, allow you to input parameters at request time.
And, everything you "remix" is available to you via RSS or JSON feeds.
Terrible, simple example: 20 results for a picture search on Flickr for "Africa", combined with the GVO Sub-Saharan Africa feed, machine translated to Simplified Chinese, ordered by Publication date.
I could have written code to do this, but this environment lets me assemble it by dragging around little widgets and hooking them up.
Here's a neat one: analyse the New York Times feed for keywords, then search Flickr against them, and show me what ya get.
Possibilities are vast.